Historically Printed Catalogue and Brochures

Catalogue (PDF): Ramute made a catalogue of her decorated eggs, to show to interested individuals, and to have available during exhibits of her work (circa 1996).

Brochures (PDF): Ramute made several brochures to hand out concerning her art work.

Obituaries (PDF): Obituaries (in Lithuanian)

Lietuviu Kalbos Istorija (PDF): Cover from book written by Ramute Plioplys (in Lithuanian). This book, about the Lithuanian language, was published in 2003 and is 174 pages long. It is available for purchase from the:

Lithuanian Research and Studies Center
5600 S. Claremont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60636-1039
Tel: (773) 434-4545
Fax: (773) 434-9363